Swimming Pool Mosaic Tiles
15 Apr 2023

Nothing Like Mosaic Tiles To Embellish Your Swimming Pool For The Summer

(4 min read) Unstable, allergy-inducing spring has been here for a while, so it’s due time we start chatting about some necessary preparation for everyone’s favorite season – the season of the witch. Lol. Nah. I’m messing with you. Although you should definitely go see Cage at his weirdest… I’m

Pool mosaic designs
01 Jul 2021

Why mosaic tiles are the best solution for your pool

(4 min read) Ahhh it’s finally Summer! Yay!… That was me passively-aggressively pretending I’m glad I’m enjoying the 100 degrees Fahrenheit weather. I’m not really pro-air conditioning, and neither is my sinuses, so the only solution for when the hell on earth starts is, of course — a pool. Whether you are

Swimming pool mosaic artwork and design
01 Jul 2020

Gorgeous Mosaic Art For Your Swimming Pool

(4 min read) In our article from last week, we briefly touched on swimming pool mosaic art and why it remains popular — throughout the centuries. Yup, you read that correctly — centuries. The first mosaic was found in a Mesopotamian temple dating back to the 3rd millennium BC. The fact that this piece of